Gather Your Circle for the Festival of Community Development 2021
Six events over six weeks hosted by Community Development Queensland.
Filled with keynote speakers, panel discussions and a bucketload of social activities, join us once a week for a mix of personal and professional development, some great networking opportunities and a whole lot of fun!
How will it work?
Wherever you are in Queensland (or Australia and Beyond!), gather your circle on Event Days in a physical location and connect to the central Festival Online Hub via Zoom. The speakers and panels will share their provocations and discussions from the Festival Online Hub out to the numerous groups gathered across Queensland and Australia, where you can then engage in discussions with your physically located small group and share reflections with the network back through the Online Hub.
A hybrid in-person and online event, the festival is an opportunity to connect and network with community minded people in your locality. Across Queensland and Australia, gather to explore how community workers can best respond to the new Covid-recovery context while deepening and developing relationships across the CD space-time continuum through conversations and some social fun.
But who is my circle?
Whoever you want it to be! Have a chat or send a message to your friends and colleagues, fellow CD practitioners, neighbourhood centre, community support or social workers, local government officers, community and advocacy groups, students, teachers, neighbours and community members and GATHER. YOUR. CIRCLE! This Festival will be best experienced as a group of 3 to 8 gathering together over six weeks, so get together with those you know, those you don't, and those you want to know more. We are using the image of circle as symbolic of CD ways of being and doing things, asking people to sit and yarn as in circle work. No teacher/leader - just a host saying 'hi, let's dialogue'.
I want to be a Circle Host but I need some more information, what do I do?
That's great! The Circle Host role can be as casual or facilitative as you like, and can be shared around your circle. If you are keen to put your hand up to be a Circle Host, indicate that when buying your ticket to receive more information and helpful tips on how to host your circle during the Festival of Community Development 2021! You can also email through any questions to [email protected]
Filled with keynote speakers, panel discussions and a bucketload of social activities, join us once a week for a mix of personal and professional development, some great networking opportunities and a whole lot of fun!
How will it work?
Wherever you are in Queensland (or Australia and Beyond!), gather your circle on Event Days in a physical location and connect to the central Festival Online Hub via Zoom. The speakers and panels will share their provocations and discussions from the Festival Online Hub out to the numerous groups gathered across Queensland and Australia, where you can then engage in discussions with your physically located small group and share reflections with the network back through the Online Hub.
A hybrid in-person and online event, the festival is an opportunity to connect and network with community minded people in your locality. Across Queensland and Australia, gather to explore how community workers can best respond to the new Covid-recovery context while deepening and developing relationships across the CD space-time continuum through conversations and some social fun.
But who is my circle?
Whoever you want it to be! Have a chat or send a message to your friends and colleagues, fellow CD practitioners, neighbourhood centre, community support or social workers, local government officers, community and advocacy groups, students, teachers, neighbours and community members and GATHER. YOUR. CIRCLE! This Festival will be best experienced as a group of 3 to 8 gathering together over six weeks, so get together with those you know, those you don't, and those you want to know more. We are using the image of circle as symbolic of CD ways of being and doing things, asking people to sit and yarn as in circle work. No teacher/leader - just a host saying 'hi, let's dialogue'.
I want to be a Circle Host but I need some more information, what do I do?
That's great! The Circle Host role can be as casual or facilitative as you like, and can be shared around your circle. If you are keen to put your hand up to be a Circle Host, indicate that when buying your ticket to receive more information and helpful tips on how to host your circle during the Festival of Community Development 2021! You can also email through any questions to [email protected]
Please note: one ticket gives you access to all six sessions!
Subsidised tickets for low-waged and unemployed people are also now available.
Operating on an honour system, choose the ticket which you feel is most appropriate for your situation.
A portion of all tickets purchased will go towards the Yalari Indigenous Scholarship Program.
Visit our Facebook Event Page to share with friends and colleagues.
Subsidised tickets for low-waged and unemployed people are also now available.
Operating on an honour system, choose the ticket which you feel is most appropriate for your situation.
A portion of all tickets purchased will go towards the Yalari Indigenous Scholarship Program.
Visit our Facebook Event Page to share with friends and colleagues.
Festival Schedule
Week 1: Thursday September 23rd, 6-8pm AEST (GMT+10)Dialogue with ‘Them’
Week 2: Thursday September 30th, 6-8pm
Week 3: Thursday October 7th, 6-8pm
Week 4: Wednesday October 13th - Saturday October 16t
Choose Your Own Adventure
Week 5: Thursday October 21th, 6-8pm
Week 6: Thursday October 28th, 6-8pm
Please note: one ticket gives you access to all six sessions!
Subsidised tickets for low-waged and unemployed people are also now available.
Operating on an honour system, choose the ticket which you feel is most appropriate for your situation.
A portion of all tickets purchased will go towards the Yalari Indigenous Scholarship Program.
Visit our Facebook Event Page to share with friends and colleagues.
Subsidised tickets for low-waged and unemployed people are also now available.
Operating on an honour system, choose the ticket which you feel is most appropriate for your situation.
A portion of all tickets purchased will go towards the Yalari Indigenous Scholarship Program.
Visit our Facebook Event Page to share with friends and colleagues.