The Coalition of Community Boards (CoCB) is a network of board members of small community associations in Queensland. The CoCB formed because boards play such a strategic role in their communities and maintain essential community infrastructure. The CoCB does this work through peer-to-peer processes, workshops and forums. Resources for board members, eg Governance materials and specifically resources for Treasurers, can be found at this link:
New Community is Australia’s only journal for social justice, sustainability, community development and human rights. The quarterly journal is reasonably affordable and contains contemporary stories about CD practice on various themes. Practitioners are also invited to share their stories and experiences. The journal is published by Borderlands Cooperative in Melbourne.
Think Again Podcast. Jacques Boulet and Jennifer Borrell (from Borderlands Cooperative) have a weekly conversation on community radio 3CR (Melbourne) on topics related to community development, human rights, the environment and current affairs. The show moves beyond what we read and hear via the public and ‘social’ media, and invite alternative possibilities to guide our thinking, living and organising.
Think Again Podcast. Jacques Boulet and Jennifer Borrell (from Borderlands Cooperative) have a weekly conversation on community radio 3CR (Melbourne) on topics related to community development, human rights, the environment and current affairs. The show moves beyond what we read and hear via the public and ‘social’ media, and invite alternative possibilities to guide our thinking, living and organising.
The Centre for Social Impact is a collaboration of three universities: UNSW Australia, Swinburne University of Technology, and The University of Western Australia. Its mission is to improve the delivery of beneficial social impact in Australia through research, teaching, measurement and the promotion of public debate.
The Queensland Families and Communities Association (QFCA) is the peak body for neighbourhood centres in Queensland. They work to support citizen-led community transformation through neighbourhood centres, and build cross-sector relationships to increase the valued and effectiveness of centres.
Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania (NHT) is the peak body for the 35 neighbourhood houses across Tasmania, NHT exists to represent, support and enable Houses in their community development practice, and to support local communities to make a real difference to people’s lives. They have developed some fabulous resources on community development.
The New Economy Network Australia (NENA) aims to transform Australia's economic system so that achieving ecological health and social justice are the foundational principles and primary objectives of the economic system. NENA works to facilitate connections, showcase and promote innovative projects, build peer-to-peer learning and used collective strategies to create and advocate for change - a strong movement for a 'new' economy.
The International Association for Community Development (IACD) is a global network for professional community development practitioners. The association supports development agencies and practitioners to build the capacity of communities, to realise greater social and economic equality, environmental protection and political democracy. See this link to the Maynooth Declaration "Community Development for Rights, Recognition and Re-distribution" endorsed at the World CD Conference July 2018, Maynooth, Ireland.
Videos from the 2019 IACD conference can be found here.
Videos from the 2019 IACD conference can be found here.
Inspiring Communities is the reference point for community-led development in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Their website offers terrific stories of practice and resources helpful to practitioners and citizens interested in community-led development.
Community Praxis Co-op has a series of audio conversation on dialogue skills.